Latest update

Started building some slot games for the casino. Don't judge the image too much right now, it's a work in progress. Just finished the slot animations and payout code. Haven't worked on the images yet.. just using place holders.

The city is really coming to life, redesigned the car logic added headlight and taillight emitters to minimize the dynamic lighting effects.. tightened up the way thugs are assigned missions and now don't require a gang to pull off hits, robberies.. etc (can send a single thug.. still not a great idea.. unless you want to see them die..  but can now do it)

Tightened up the car jacker and now uses his experience level to help out run the police.

Changed the light and shadows used on the map and will be adding hills soon so it doesn't look so flat.

I have to say.. Even though the game doesn't seem to be attracting any interest from the gaming community.. I'm really enjoying making it.. I really think it's going to be a really fun and an engaging game. Tons of things to do (all in the least legal way :)) which makes it all the more fun.

I'm developing this in the GODOT engine which has been quite a challenge. This is my first project using it (came from UNITY). The biggest challenge using GODOT is memory and resource management. Any little misstep can cause framerate issues. Also very disappointed right now with the exports (still fighting the Android export.. haven't even attempted IOS.. I can just imagine how fun that's going to be)

Anyway.. off to finish the slot machine

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